This 17.5-centimeter Prime Universe Bulkhead robot toy from Transformers: Legacy is based on the anime series Transformers: Prime, but its appearance has been upgraded to reflect the aesthetic of the Generations line. With Transformers: Legacy, universes continue to slam into one another!
This legendary Transformers toy series brings together fan-favorite characters from around the Transformers galaxy in one cohesive collection of figures. In only 30 easy steps, this action figure can transform from robot to army vehicle mode. Mace hand attachment and shield accessory are included in the package. Equip yourself with Energon, the most potent chemical in all of Cybertron!
The Energon Gatling gun that comes with this Transformers Prime Universe Bulkhead figure can be attached in either mode.
Transformers Prime Universe Legacy Voyager Class - Bulkhead Action Figure
Small parts. Not suitable for children under 3 years.